The collective volume "Knowledge and action (I)" brings together scientific research and philosophical reflections on the meanings and values related to two key milestones, Knowledge and Action. Scientific studies were presented at the "Knowledge and Action" International Conference within the "Knowledge Based Society. Research, debates, perspectives" project, POS DRU no. 56815. The theme of the volume is of great topicality as Knowledge - as a theoretical activity - is action in the acutest meaning of the term, involving a difficult and sustained effort. On the other hand, Action means, besides establishing one's work, self fulfillment. Thus, the traditional opposition between theory and practice is given new meanings.
In this context, researchers have the task of explaining the two concepts, knowledge and action, according to theoretical requirements of their disciplines, but at the same time understanding human activities in all their diversity and extension.
Articles present volume deals with the topic announced in terms of epistemology, philosophy of science and ethics, helping to encourage the exchange of ideas and giving the opportunity to shape a favorable, positive, response to the problems of contemporary human being.
Volumul colectiv "Cunoastere si actiune (I)" reuneste cercetarile stiintifice si reflectiile filosofice asupra semnificatiilor si valorilor legate de cele doua repere esentiale, Cunoasterea si Actiunea. Studiile stiintifice au fost prezentate la Conferinta internationala "Cunoastere si actiune", in cadrul proiectului "Societatea bazata pe cunoastere. Cercetari, dezbateri, perspective, Proiect POS DRU 56815. Tema volumului este de actualitate, deoarece Cunoasterea – ca activitate teoretica – este actiune in sensul cel mai tare al termenului, implicand un efort dificil si sustinut. Pe de alta parte, Actiunea inseamna, pe langa realizarea operei, si implinirea sinelui. In felul acesta, traditionala opozitie intre teorie si practica primeste noi semnificatii.
In acest context, cercetatorilor le revine sarcina de a explica cele doua concepte, Cunoasterea si Actiunea, potrivit exigentelor teoretice ale disciplinelor lor, dar, intelegand in acelasi timp activitatile umane in intreaga lor diversitate si extensiune.
Articolele prezente in volum abordeaza tema anuntata din perspectiva epistemologiei, filosofiei stiintei si eticii, contribuind la incurajarea schimbului de idei si oferind posibilitatea de a contura un raspuns favorabil, pozitiv, problemelor omului contemporan.
Andrei Alexandru ACHIM; Lucia AFLOROAEI; Stefan AFLOROAEI; Elena ALEXA; Vlad Vasile ANDREICA; Ioan BIRIS; Claudio BOLZMAN; Horia-Costin CHIRIAC; Sorin COSTREIE; Bogdan CRETU; Virgil DRAGHICI; Laura GEORGESCU; Ionut ISAC; Ciprian JELER; Florin-Teodor OLARIU; Antonio SANDU; Constantin Florin SIRBU; Marc-Henry SOULET; Ion VEZEANU.