The collective volume "Knowledge and Action" (III) brings together the scientific studies presented at the International Conference in Baia Mare, organized within the POSDRU project "Knowledge Based Society. Research, Debates, Perspectives". The central theme of the volume, highly actual, offers researchers the possibility of identifying multiple relations between the two concepts, knowledge and action, thus opening space for signification and redefinition of these two foundations of the knowledge-based society. This volume's articles address the theme from different perspectives, according to specific requirements of important areas of philosophy and psychology. Studies in this volume include research and philosophical reflections on knowledge and action as key milestones, both for individuals and society. Solutions offered are relevant to issues in social and political reality, addressing important topics related to moral act and relationships, significant aspects of values, norms and principles of education. The volume encourages the exchange of ideas and original contributions to fundamental problems of contemporary man.
Volumul colectiv "Cunoastere si Actiune" (III) reuneste studiile stiintifice prezentate la Conferinta internationala de la Baia Mare, in cadrul proiectului POSDRU "Societatea bazata pe cunoastere. Cercetari, dezbateri, perspective". Tema centrala a volumului, extrem de actuala, ofera cercetatorilor posibilitatea identificarii multiplelor relatii intre cele doua concepte, Cunoasterea si Actiunea, deschizand astfel spatiul pentru semnificari si resemnificari ale acestor doua fundamente ale societatii bazate pe cunoastere. Articolele prezente in volum abordeaza tema anuntata din perspective diferite, potrivit exigentelor specifice unor domenii importante ale filosofiei si psihologiei. Studiile din acest volum cuprind cercetarile si reflectiile filosofice asupra Cunoasterii si Actiunii ca repere esentiale atat pentru individ cat si pentru societate. Relevante sunt solutiile oferite unor probleme majore din realitatea social-politica, abordarea unor teme importante legate de actul moral si relatiile interumane, aspecte semnificative ale valorilor, normelor si principiilor educationale. Volumul incurajeaza astfel schimbul de idei si contributiile originale in rezolvarea problemelor fundamentale ale omului contemporan.