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From Table of Contents:
◊ Communication reflecting upon itself. Models in the philosophy of communication
◊ Mircea Eliade: mythical representation and conceptual language
◊ The reconstruction of the concept of God in neoclassical theism
◊ The languages about reality and the limits of the objective knowledge
◊ Descriptive imaginary and the beginning of quantum mechanics
◊ Fuzzy sets in image processing
◊ Considering understanding through scientific models
◊ How to manage a PI1-sentence
◊ Reflections on art in Nichifor Crainic's view
◊ Philosophy of science and epistemology in the scientific writings of late antiquity
◊ Deduction without necessity
◊ Problems with Devitt's version of ontological scientific realism
◊ Reading and understanding of oneself
◊ On "being", "beings" and "being"
◊ Is collective memory a figment of the imagination? Reflections on the scope of memory in the public sphere
◊ Sfera intelligibile nella tradizione platonica
◊ Ferdinand Gonseth about dialogue - meanings and interpretations
◊ A critical comparison of public vs private leadership
◊ Foreign Direct investments (FDI) - a factor of economic liberalization and reduction of protectionist barriers
◊ Creativity to the individual in society knowledge
◊ Knowledge based society: an empirical research about the e-procurement adoption process in organizations from Maramures county
Proceedings of the International Conference, Baia Mare, 27-30 October 2011, Baia Mare - Romania
The Internationl Conference, Iasi, 6-9 October 2010, Iasi - Romania
The collective volume "Significance and Interpretation (I)" brings together scientific research and philosophical reflections on the meanings and values related to two key milestones, Significance and Interpretation. Scientific studies were presented at International Conference within the "Knowledge Based Society. Research, debates, perspectives" project, POSDRU no. 56815.
In this context, researchers have the task of utilizing the two modalities, significance and interpretation, according to theoretical requirements of their fields of research.
Articles in the present volume deal with the topic announced in terms of epistemology, hermeneutics and economy, helping to encourage the exchange of ideas and giving the opportunity to shape a favorable, positive, response to the problems of contemporary human being, from the role of knowledge and the necessity of interpreting them to solving the problems connected to the liberalization and economic efficiency.
Volumul colectiv "Semnificare si interpretare in societatea bazata pe cunoastere (I)" reuneste cercetarile stiintifice si reflectiile filosofice asupra semnificatiilor si valorilor legate de cele doua repere esentiale, Semnificarea si Interpretarea. Studiile stiintifice au fost prezentate la Conferinta internationala "Semnificare si Interpretare in societatea bazata pe cunoastere", in cadrul proiectului "Societatea bazata pe cunoastere. Cercetari, dezbateri, perspective, Proiect PO DRU 56815.
In acest context, cercetatorilor le revine sarcina de a utiliza cele doua modalitati, Semnificarea si Interpretarea, potrivit exigentelor teoretice ale disciplinelor lor.
Articolele prezente in volum abordeaza tema anuntata din perspectiva epistemologiei, a hermeneuticii si a economiei, contribuind la incurajarea schimbului de idei si oferind posibilitatea de a contura un raspuns favorabil, pozitiv, problemelor omului contemporan, de la rolul cunoasterii si necesitatea interpretarii la rezolvarea problemelor legate de liberalizarea si eficienta economica.
Melinda Achim; Lucia Afloroaei; Stefan Afloroaei; Vlad Vasile Andreica; Livia Ionela Baciu; Horia-Costin Chiriac; Dan Chitoiu; Mihaela Costin; Richard David-Rus; Virgil Draghici; Liviu Gavrilescu; Victor Gherman; Alina-Petronela Haller; Gabriel Hasmatuchi; Viorel Igna; Ionut Isac; Corina Matei-Gherman; Adrian Muraru; Ionel Narita; Corina Pop Sitar; Gabriel Tarziu