Volume III / issue 4 / 2012
The appearance of a new philosophy journal is always an occasion for celebration; the more so when it is devoted to epistemology, an area that has been rejuvenated in the last two decades. Aided by the ease of international communications, the openness of Logos & Episteme to a wide variety of different approaches fits well with the increasing integration of methods from naturalistic and a prioristic sources, from social and individualistic epistemologies, from the AngloAmerican tradition, and from the socalled 'Continental' tradition. One looks forward to genuinely new intellectual developments emerging from the journal, where novel ideas produced by young researchers outside the older centres of academia can readily find an audience that appreciates their merits. The Romanian Academy is to be applauded for supporting the journal and may it have much success and a long life.
Paul Humphreys
Logos & Episteme. An International Journal of Epistemology este o revista internationala, de tip peer-review, care publica diverse reflectii si cercetari actuale care isi propun sa investigheze, analizeze, interpreteze sau sa explice dintr-o perspectiva filozofica cunoasterea umana sub toate aspectele, formele, tipurile, dimensiunile sau practicile sale. Revista promoveaza toate metodele, perspectivele si traditiile specifice ale analizei filozofice a cunoasterii, de la cea normativa pana la cele naturaliste si experimentale si de la cea anglo-americana la cea continentala sau orientala. Logos & Episteme accepta spre publicare texte in limbile engleza, franceza si germana, care indeplinesc normele de claritate si rigoare in expunere si argumentare.
Rachel Briggs este Research Fellow la School of Philosophy, Australian National University. Doua dintre articolele sale au fost incluse de Philosopher's Annual in lista celor mai bune articole de filosofie din 2009, respectiv 2010. Daniel Nolan este, de asemenea, Professor of Philosophy la aceeasi institutie. Este autorul unor lucrari precum David Lewis (Acumen, 2005) si Topics in the Philosophy of Possible Worlds (Routledge, 2002). Rachel McKinnon este Lecturer in Philosophy la University of Waterloo, Michael J. Shaffer este Associate Professor of Philosophy la St. Cloud State University, Barry Lam este Assistant Professor la Vassar College, John Turri este Assistant Professor of Philosophy la University of Waterloo iar Gal Yehezkel este Lecturer in Philosophy la Sapir Academic College. Tosi acesti autori au publicat in reviste de filosofie sau la edituri cu traditie, recunoscute pentru inaltele standarde stiintifice si etice pe care le proomoveaza. Printre acestea se numara Synthese, Philosophical Studies, Nous, Philosophical Review, American Philosophical Quarterly, respectiv Routledge, Open Court, Oxford University Press sau Palgrave-MacMillan.