- Exegeses of the Past as Militantism: The Case of Ioan Budai-Deleanu's Political Thinking
- Romanian Identity: A conceptual confusion?
- Federalism and Nationalism in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: Aurel C. Popovici's Theory
- The Alternative Textbooks on the History of Romania as places of Memory
- Intercultural Pedagogy as an Alternative to a Monoculturally Oriented Education: The Case of Romania
- Multiculturality and Interculturality: The Case of Timisoara
- Romanian-Hungarian Relations at a Turning Point
- Conceptual History and the Deconstruction of Romanian Socio-Political Languages
- Homo Europaeus and the Concept of Multiple Identities
Din Cuprins:
- Exegeze ale trecutului ca militantism: Cazul gandirii politice a lui Ioan Budai Deleanu
- Identitatea romaneasca: O confuzie conceptuala?
- Federalism si nationalism in Monarhia Austro-Ungara: Teoria lui Aurel C. Popovici
- Manualele alternative de istoria Romaniei ca locuri ale memoriei
- Pedagogia interculturala ca o alternativa la educatia monoculturala
- Multiculturalitate si interculturalitate. Cazul Timisoarei
- Relatiile romano-ungare ca punct de cotitura
- Istoria conceptuala si deconstructia limbajelor social-politice romanesti
- Homo Europaeus si conceptul de identitate multipla.
Essays on Romanian Intellectual History includes some of the author's research on topics concerning the understanding of modern and contemporary history of Romania. The author uses interdisciplinary methods, hypotheses and theories concerning the evolution of the idea of nation, but also aspects that suggest re-thinking the national-European binomial. Being especially about Romanian culture, Victor Neumann placed the historian's discourse in relationship with the meaning attached to the identity phenomenon. The Romanian society is worth being understood through its legacies, perpetual values from one generation to another, and through its intellectual ideologies. Despite the talents and valuable works, the Romanian intellectual elite has not been concerned enough with the civic code, that is the public welfare and the norms of cohabitation specific to the modern world; it has not engaged in a dialogue with the mass of people and it has not managed to understand the middle class. The ideology incorporated in the affirmation of identity is unveiled through messages encompassed in key-concepts of the Romanian intellectual languages of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Cartea include citeva dintre recentele cercetari ale autorului, studii de istorie intelectuala, istoria ideilor politice si istorie conceptuala. Este vorba de gindirea politica a Scolii ardelene, de identitatea etnonationala romaneasca in secolul al XIX-lea, de teoria federalista a lui Aurel C. Popovici vazuta comparativ cu teoriile altor ideologi ai timpului, de relatiile romano-ungare, de studii de caz privind problema multi- si interculturalitatii in regiunile Romaniei de ieri si de astazi. Este vorba de analize si interpretari deslusind intelesuri si perspective innoitoare asupra istoriei Romaniei si a istoriografiei romanesti din epocile moderna si contemporana.