The present book, Constructions of America in the Prose Romanian Diaspora after the Cold War, has as main aim to reveal how the American reality is filtered and shaped by the Romanian diaspora representatives in the U.S. after 1989. Based on literary works belonging to the Romanian diaspora after the '89 Romanian Revolution, the study covers an area less explored in recent years, namely the dynamics of the Romanian diasporic cultural space within the structural transformations undergone during the post-communist period. The originality of the study resides in the intent choice of the author to devote attention to the writings that present the American reality as observed by the Romanian diaspora writers, all the more since most critical studies on Romanian diaspora from U.S. so far have focused on the personal experience of the writers as exiles, refugees, etc. and not on the type of reality perceived when confronted with the New World.
Cartea Romanian Perspectives on America. Constructions of America in the Prose of the Romanian Diaspora after the Cold War (Constructii ale Americii in proza diasporei romane dupa Razboiul Rece) are in vedere relevarea felului in care realitatea americana este filtrata si redata de reprezentantii diasporei romane din SUA dupa 1989. Originalitatea cartii consta in alegerea de a concentra atentia asupra acelor opere care prezinta societatea americana, asa cum este vazuta de scriitorii romani stabiliti acolo, mai ales ca pana la acest moment lucrarile critice asupra diasporei romane arata ca preocuparea majora a acestor studii s-a indreptat catre analizarea identitatii in transformare a scriitorilor romani stabiliti in Lumea Noua si a trairilor provocate de conditia de exilat.
Anca-Teodora Serban-Oprescu