[Objectives] [Structure]
[Means] [Principles]
[Achievements] [Production]
[Partners] [Current projects] [Publishing House] [Awards]
[Book Fairs] |
Institutul European Iasi is an organization with European vocation, set up in 1990 as a non-governmental, independent, and non-profit institution.
The main goal of Institutul European is to become involved in the process meant to secure the necessary prospects for Romania's integration into a complex organization such as the European Union. It wishes to be an important partner in developing different projects aiming at facilitating Romania's integration into the European Union. By its flexibility and by its capacity of maintaining a close and direct contact with the civil society, Institutul European can set in motion projects that are alternative (and complementary) to the proceedings taking place on the level of governmental policies and of departments in charge of preparing and achieving Romania's integration into the EU.
The cooperation with the European institutions is considered very important and is focused on communication based upon information, objectivity and transparency, not on an idealized image of the integration process and of its outcome.
The European integration concerns first of all the European citizens, the Romanian ones included. The diversifying and professionalizing of the integration process involves the development in Romania of competences and institutions capable to work together with European partners.
To study Europe's national and regional diversity
To distribute in a systematic manner information concerning the main aspects related to the European integration with a view to establishing well informed political opinions (group meetings, seminars, press conferences, etc.)
To work together with institutions (both governmental and nongovernmental) and professional associations of the Romanian civil society in order to establish partnership and lobby programs in cooperation with the corresponding European institutions, with a view to facilitating Romania's integration process
To develop European integration studies
To train specialists able to work out, apply and asses policies related to the European integration
Institutul European has a holding type structure, which includes a publishing house, a printing works and an audio-video production studio (as administrator of the local radio and television stations Europa Nova, Institutul European was able to broadcast its entire audio and video production between 1993 and 2001.)
In order to achieve its goals, Institutul European combines several types of activities:
- Produces audio-video materials;
- Publishes essential titles in the fields of European culture and civilization, politics, economy, history, integration studies;
- Organizes specific events (training seminars, conferences, etc.);
- Participates in local, national and international debates on European topics;Organizes abroad events meant to promote a realistic image of Romania.
Realistic perspective
Planning ahead
Adequate organization
Efficient communication
Keeping up to date
Consistent endeavour in carrying out projects
ACHIEVEMENTS (Events. Programs. Projects)
The "Helvetic Confederation 700" Symposium, Iasi, November 1991 (in co-operation with the Embassy of Switzerland in Romania);
The "Mass Media in Eastern Europe" Symposium, Iasi, June 1992 (with the participation of experts working for the BBC, Deutsche Welle, Le Monde, the Francophone Belgian television);
The first and second editions of the international symposium of language sciences, Suceava, November 1993 - November 1995, with participants from Germany, France, Portugal, Spain, etc (in co-operation with the "Stefan cel Mare" University in Suceava);
"The European Convention on Human Rights", Iasi, August 1994 (in co-operation with the Council of Europe, the "Al.I. Cuza" University in Iasi and the "A.D. Xenopol" Institute of History in Iasi);
Romanian Days in Greece, Salonic, May 1996 (in co-operation with the Romanian Embassy in Greece);
Days of the Romanian Culture at the Academia di Romania, Rome, June 1997 (in co-operation with the Culture Department of the Romanian Embassy);
Romanian Days in Israel, May 1997 (in co-operation with the Romanian Embassy in Israel);
Celebration of the City of Iasi in New York, November 1998 (in co-operation with the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Romanian Embassy and the Romanian Cultural Centre in New York);
Institutul European Days in Vienna, March 1999 (in co-operation with the Romanian Embassy in Vienna);
Days of the Romanian-Austrian co-operation, March 1999, (event organized in co-operation with the Romanian Cultural Centre in Vienna and the Vienna City Council);
"The Sky above Vienna", March 2000 (event organized in co-operation with the Romanian Cultural Centre in Vienna and the Viennese Journalists Association);
Civis, 1996-1997 (production of a TV documentary series having as its main subject the civil society) in co-operation with the SOROS Foundation;
Local problems. Local solutions, 1997-1998 (in co-operation with the Delegation of the European Commission, within the PHARE Program for Democracy), a program intended for the local public administration;
Political conflict and the administrative litigation court, 1998-1999 (in co-operation with the Delegation of the European Commission, within the PHARE Program for Democracy), a program intended for the local public administration;
The Mayor's Guide. The Local Councillor's Guide, 1999-2000 (in co-operation with the Foundation for an Open Society), a program intended for the local public administration;
Partner of the "Al. I. Cuza" University Iasi in setting up and supporting the activity of the CREA (Regional Centre for Adult Education) as part of a program financed by the World Bank;
The Youth Parliament, in co-operation with the Delegation of the European Commission, within the PHARE Program for Democracy;
The SILOGRAPHIC Trans-National Program (vocational and professional training in "graphic designing" within the Leonardo da Vinci program) financed by the European Commission, 2006.
Institutul European produced in its own studio 44 documentaries (amounting to 1,126 minutes) and published 1699 titles (66 collections and 48 fields of knowledge).
The Administration of the National Cultural Fund, Bucharest, Romania
The National Agency for Scientific Research, Bucharest, Romania
The Agency for Government Strategies, Bucharest, Romania
The Austrian Embassy in Bucharest, Romania
The Swiss Embassy in Bucharest, Romania
The French Embassy in Bucharest, Romania
The Romanian Commercial Bank
The World Bank
The French Community in Belgium
The Delegation of the European Commission in Romania
The Open Society Foundation in Romania
The International Cooperation Institute in Bonn, Germany
The French Institute in Bucharest, Romania
The "Goethe" Institute in Bucharest, Romania
The Institute for European Studies in Brussels, Belgium
The Kultur Kontact in Vienna, Austria
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris, France
The Ministry of Arts, Letters and Audiovisual Techniques, Brussels
The Ministry of Culture in Vienna, Austria
The Ministry of Culture and Communications in Paris, France
The Ministry of Culture and Cults in Bucharest, Romania
The Ministry of Education and Research in Bucharest, Romania
The Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Transport
The City Council and the Prefect's Office of the City of Iasi, Romania
The "Al. I. Cuza" University in Iasi, Romania
"Babes-Bolyai" University in Cluj, Romania
"Universitatea De Vest" in Timisoara, Romania
To publish in Romanian a series of essential volumes in the field of European studies (with the participation of an international advisory board)
To initiate two European master studies: one in the field of European studies (in co-operation with the CREA - the "Al.I.Cuza" University Iasi ) and the second in the field of European journalism (in co-operation with the Faculty of Journalism in Bucharest and the School of Journalism in Utrecht - Holland)
To organize an international seminar (March 2007) on Democracy and regional security; case study: the Middle East
To produce a double CD "George Enescu's Lieds", in co-production with LAAR, ORF and ICR in Vienna, Austria
The Romanian Days in Austria in co-operation with LAAR, ICR Vienna, ORF Austria, the Romanian National Television
To build a digital platform with live-streaming, in co-production with LAAR, ORF Austria and the Romanian National Television.
Active since 1991, IE is considered one of the most prestigious publishing houses in Romania. It published until now 1699 titles. The editorial platform (with a structure of 66 collections) covers the whole range of social and human sciences: philosophy, political sciences, sociology, European studies, anthropology, history, history of ideas, mentalities, literary theory and criticism, etc. It publishes essays, academic literature and studies, school manuals and auxiliary materials. It holds a nationwide distribution network, and it co-operates with approximately 150 companies owning 450 distribution units (bookstores) and approximately 90 university, city and county libraries in Romania, as well as with international libraries (Bibliotheque Nationale de France, the Frankfurt University Library, the Padua University Library). It maintains a permanent contact with more than 800 authors, book editors, preface writers and translators from Romania and abroad.
IE signed publishing contracts with over 100 houses in Europe and the United States (Addison, Armand Colin, Blackwell, Cambridge, Chicago University Press, Columbia University Press, Complexe, Decouverte, Fayard, Gallimard, Hatier, Il Mulino, Molden Verlag, Nathan, Oxford University Press, PUF, Routledge, Rowohlt Verlag, Seuil, Yale, etc). It was presented with numerous awards by professional associations, but also by the Romanian Academy.
1993 |
The "Book of the Year" award at the Cluj-Napoca Book Fair (for Adrian Marino's Evadari in lumea libera) |
1993 |
The Critics Award at the Oradea Book Fair (for Marian Papahagi's Fata si
reversul) |
1993 |
The Poetry Award at the National Poetry Festival, Satu-Mare (for Dorin Popa's Fara intoarcere) |
1993 |
The Best History Book award at the "Libris" Book Fair, Iasi (for V. Fl. Dobrinescu's Romania si sistemul tratatelor de pace de la
Paris) |
1994 |
The "Publishing House of the Year" award and the Special Award at the Cluj-Napoca Book Fair (for Al. Zub's In orizontul
istoriei) |
1994 |
"The Grand Award" at the Oradea Book Fair (for Plata si rasplata istoriei by V. Fl. Dobrinescu and Gh.
Nicolescu) |
1995 |
The award for the publication of Greek and Latin literature at the "Libris" Book Fair, Iasi |
1995 |
"The Special Award" at the "Gh. Asachi" Book Exhibit (for A. Carpinschi's Deschidere si sens in gindirea politica,) |
1995 |
The "Special Award" for scientific research at the "Gh.Asachi" Book Exhibit, Iasi (for V. Dumistracel's Sate disparute, sate amenintate) |
1997 |
The "Grand Award" for translation at the "Libris" Book Fair, Iasi (for the translation by N. Ionel of Vergil's
Aeneid) |
1997 |
The "Grand Award" for debut and the Best History Book award at the "Gh. Asachi" Book Exhibit, Iasi (for Irina Andone's Mingiios and for the Civitas
collection) |
1997 |
The "Publishing House of the Year" award at the Bucharest Book
Fair |
1998 |
The "Ioan Petru Culianu" Award for the promoting of exile literature, the "Libris" Book Fair, Iasi |
1999 |
The "Vasile Conta" Award presented by the Romanian Academy (for Anton Adamut's Filosofia substantei) |
1999 |
Bucharest Book Fair; the "Theophil Simensky" Award for the
publishing of world literature, the "Libris" Book Fair, Iasi |
1999 |
The Romanian Editors Association Award for the most interesting collection at the Bucharest Book Fair (Constelatia
Gemenii) |
2000 |
The "Diploma of Excellency" and the "Diploma for the exceptional artistic and scientific treatment of the most various fields", the Bucharest Book and Magazine
Exhibit |
2000 |
The "Ioan Petru Culianu" Award for the promoting of exile literature, the "Libris" Book Fair, Iasi |
2000 |
The Romanian Editors Association Award, the Bucharest International Book
Fair |
2000 |
The Special Award for translation for King Lear (Opera Magna), the National Book Exhibit, Timisoara. |
2001 |
"The Excellency Award for Thematic Diversity", the Book and Magazine Exhibit, Bucharest |
2002 |
The Romanian Editors Association Award for best scientific book (Adrian Nicolescu's Istoria civilizatiei britanice) |
2004 |
The "Ovidiu" Award for the publishing of classic literature (Latin and
neo-Romanic) |
2004 |
The "Librex 2004" Book Fair, Iasi; the "Diploma of Excellency" for the high-quality editorial activity, the Vth Education Fair, the University of
Bucharest |
2005 |
The "Ioan Petru Culianu" Award for "the most important publishing house promoting the history of culture and civilization", the "Librex" Book Fair, Iasi |
2007 |
The "Ioan Petru Culianu" Award for "the most important publishing house promoting the history of culture and civilization", the "Librex" Book Fair, Iasi |
2007 |
"Alexandru Xenopol" Award presented by the Romanian Academy (Istoria civilizatiei britanice, Adrian Nicolescu) |
2008 |
The "Ioan Petru Culianu" Award for "The most important publishing house promoting the history of culture and civilization", the "Librex" Book Fair, Iasi |
2008 |
The "Latin Union Award for Technical and Scientific Translation" (Periferia textului, Philippe Lane and Pragmatic pentru discursul literar, Dominique Maingueneau), Latin Union, Paris |
2009 |
The "Bronze Medal", The Romanian Book Exhibit, Iasi (Curs de obstetrica si ginecologie, Mihai Pricop) |
2009 |
The "Mihail Kogalniceanu" Award presented by the Romanian Academy (Romania spre Uniunea Europeana. Negocierile de aderare (2000-2004), Vasile Puscas) |
2010 |
The "Year's Publisher" Award presented by the Biblioteca Centrala Universitara "Carol I", Bucharest |
2011 |
"Ion Petrovici" Prize of the
Romanian Academy (Reinventarea
ideologiei [Reinventing Ideology], Daniel Sandru) |
2012 |
"Book of the Year" Award,
Romanian Writers' Union, Craiova Branch (Deimografia [Deimography],
Catalin Ghita) |
2012 |
"Ion Petrovici" Prize of the
Romanian Academy (Cetatea
lui Platon [Plato`s City], Sorin Bocancea) |
2013 |
"Aurel Leon" Debut Award,
Ziarul de Iaşi (Povestirile
lui Alice Munro [Alice Munro`s Stories], Dragos Zetu) |
2013 |
"Mircea Florian" Prize of the
Romanian Academy (Cultura
recunoasterii si securitatea umana [The Culture of
Recognition and Human Security], Anton Carpinschi) |
2015 |
"Aurel Leon" Debut Award,
Ziarul de Iaşi (Proza
lui Alexandr Soljenitin [Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn`s
Prose], Cecilia Maticiuc) |
2016 |
Essay Prize (Mit,
magie si manipulare [Myth, Magic and Manipulation], Nicu
Gavriluţă), Romanian Writers` Association, Iasi Branch |
2016 |
"Emanoil Teodorescu" Prize of
the Romanian Academy (Diversitatea
fitosociologica a vegetatiei Romaniei [The
Phytosociological Diversity of Romania`s Vegetation], Toader
Chifu) |
2016 |
"Mircea Florian" Prize of the
Romanian Academy (Cel
de-al treilea sens [The Third Direction], Ion Dur) |
2017 |
"Vasile Conta" Prize of the
Romanian Academy (Mit,
magie si manipulare politică [Myth, Magic and
Manipulation], Nicu Gavriluta, 2015) |
2017 |
Honorary Award, Iaşi City Hall
(100 de ani de la infaptuirea reformei constitutionale de la
Iasi [100 years since the Iași Constitutional Reform]) |
2019 |
"Spiru Haret" Prize of the
Romanian Academy (Amicus
Plato sed magis amica veritas. Istoria spusei de la Homer la
Tarski [Amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas. The
History of Saying from Homer to Tarsky], Anton Adamut, 2018) |
2019 |
Essay Prize (Amicus
Plato sed magis amica veritas. Istoria spusei de la Homer la
Tarski [Amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas. The
History of Saying from Homer to Tarsky], Anton Adamut, 2018),
Romanian Writers` Association, Iaşi Branch |
Institutul European participates every year to the most important international book fairs: Frankfurt am Main, Paris, Leipzig, London, Geneva, Budapest, Warsaw, Prague, Sank-Petersburg, Jerusalem, Istanbul.
[Objectives] [Structure]
[Means] [Principles]
[Achievements] [Production]
[Partners] [Current projects] [Publishing House] [Awards]
[Book Fairs] |